ˈkɑːmos is the duo of Aino Peltomaa and Nathan Wouters.
Aino Peltomaa (FIN) is a vocalist with a radiating sound. She performs widely with medieval, renaissance and contemporary music. In 2018, she directed and performed Ordo Virtutum by Hildegard von Bingen with the Finnish Kaari Ensemble. This medieval, mystic nun keeps on intriguing: her songs are also part of Aino’s project Harmony of the Spheres and her words are sometimes used in the lyrics of ˈkɑːmos.
Nathan Wouters (BE) plays the bass as if it were a cello. He stretches the sound possibilities of the instrument and questions its role. His technique and touch are widely appreciated in jazz, improvised and classical music. Nathan plays with bands like Book of Air, Machtelinckx/Jensson/Badenhorst/Wouters and Teun Verbruggen Quartet. In recent years he has been doing many solo performances and recordings. De debut album of ˈkɑːmos is his first release as a composer and band leader.