
Aspen Edities

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Fredrik Rasten

strands of lunar light

€ 25 (LP)

Fredrik Rasten: two electric guitars, one acoustic guitar
Ruben Machtelinckx: two electric guitars, one acoustic guitar

Recorded by Stijn Cools at Studio Pyramide, August 22nd 2023
Mixed by Stijn Cools
Mastered by Gert Van Hoof at Cochlea

Artwork and copyright by Mareike Yin-Yee Lee, from the series LAKES (always there) – 2023 
Design by Robin Foesters

Fredrik Rasten’s Strands of lunar light is an otherworldly exploration of spectral microtonality for multiple guitars, all played by Ruben Machtelinckx and himself. In the liner notes Rasten describes the music as elements of an imagined moon: I envision this music as emanating from a moon inhabited by otherworldly life forms and ecosystems; these sounds as evoking the moon’s topographies, beings, lunar rivers, and strands of light — as if this moon’s essence were itself sonic, vibrational matter. Rasten’s compositional and instrumental practice is driven by a deep interest in the sonic details of harmony and microtonality, with just intonation as a main resource and entry point. In the context of his other compositions, Strands of lunar light explores a new territory comprising a dense, spectral harmony derived from a complete segment of an harmonic series. The work is part of Rasten’s continuing exploration of just intonation realized on guitars, building on his earlier released works Six Moving Guitars, Svevning and Lineaments.
